Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween! 10 Safety Tips for your Kids!

YEAH!!! Tonights the night every kids lives for! Halloween!!! Here are some tips to help protect your kids as they go out into the big night, to collect their goodies.
  1. Young children should always be accompanied by an adult. Older children may forget to look out for their younger charges, in the excitement of Halloween fun, opening the door to mishap.

  2. Older kids should always “Trick or Treat” in a group, never alone!

  3. Feed everyone before going “trick or Treating”. A full belly will hopefully prevent them from gorging on their candies and getting sick from too much sugar.

  4. Know the neighborhood! If you are concerned about sexual offenders go to your local police station and ask that the data base be checked for the neighborhood you are “Trick or Treating” in. Or, check the local police website for their data base listing locations of offenders.

  5. Be strict about not going into strangers houses. Let your children know it's OK to politely refuse a suggestion to come into the house. Tell them to leave immediately if the stranger becomes insistent. Forget the candy!

  6. Remind your children they need to cross the streets at intersections and cross-walks. Explain the dangers of running across the street, especially at night and in costume. Remind them they might not be able to see as well thanks to their mask and costume.

  7. Make sure costumes fit right and that the kids can move around and run in them. Make sure the costume does not trip them or obscure vision or breathing. Capes, swords and wands should not be able to cause the kids to trip.

  8. See that the costume reflects light so that if the kids are crossing the street and a car comes, the driver has a better chance of seeing them.

  9. Make sure the costume is flame retardant, either store-bought or home-made. There may be open flames that could catch the costume and cause burn injury.

  10. Lastly, check the candies before the kids eat them. If any wrappers look suspicious throw the candy away. Also with small children, can they eat this candy without danger of choking?

Enjoy the sights tonight and make sure you have enough candy! Happy Halloween!

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